April 25, 2008

Free Ebooks: Database

Oracle/SQL Tutorial.pdf

This Oracle/SQL tutorial provides a detailed introduction to the SQL query language and the Oracle Relational Database Management System. Further information about Oracle and SQL can be found on the web site www.db.cs.ucdavis.edu/dbs.

In Free Ebooks: Database

Introduction to Oracle 10g R1 ( on SUSE LINUX Professional 9.3.pdf

This paper is designed to help you get started with Oracle 10g on SUSE LINUX 9.3. This will help you to work on latest SUSE OS and latest Oracle Database 10g from Oracle. Oracle 10g is supported and certified only on SUSE LINUX Enterprise Server (SLES) but occasionally for development and testing […]

In Free Ebooks: Database

MySql HowTo

MySQL How To in online HTML version. Quite complete scratch tutorial on MySql, covers

Creating a Database in MySQL
Creating Tables
A Special Feature in MySQL
Viewing the Tables and Databases Created
Inserting Values to the Tables
Querying the Tables
Comparison Operators
Logical Operators
Limiting the Search Area of the Table
Pattern Matching
User Defined Variables
Summarizing Techniques
Deleting and Updating the Rows
How You Can Simplify the Connection […]

In Free Ebooks: Database


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